Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An endorsement from ladykind, and bowties

As if you needed any more convincing, a real-life woman anonymously offered this endorsement "on behalf of ladykind":
Blue shirts: They look good on, but they look better on the floor. Ow ow.
There you have it, men. Wear blue shirts, and they will be making out with your shoulder blades in no time. That's how we're rolling today.

We're also going to have an abridged mailbag, as I have been told this question is time-sensitive.

Dear Dan,

Can I wear bowties to the gym?

Sincerely, Bowtie lover

Well, Tucker, the answer is an emphatic no. I don't own any bowties because, to the best of my knowledge, there is no bowtie aisle at Target.

You should wear blue T-shirts while working out, because women only go to the gym to ogle men and you need to always look your best. But bowties are for sissies, so stop loving them.

1 comment:

  1. Plus, blue T-shirts at the gym show sweat easier, making it appear as though you're working out harder than you actually are.

